Monday 14 October 2024

SPSFC4 - Adding to my TBR (2)


Continuing with my plan to build a TBR (To be Read) list of amazing SF from the SPSFC4 (Self Published Science Fiction Competition) – here are the next two that have caught my eye.

Embargo on Hope by Justin Doyle

This one was in last years contest and was cut in the first round. I’m glad to see it back as I read this, even before the competition began and enjoyed it immensely. I found the characters engaging and there was lots of great action and worldbuilding. I hope it goes further this year. 

Grave Cold by Shannon Knight

I felt that the blurb with this was was a bit muddled, but a compelling first chapter gets this one onto my TBR. It sounds like a really interesting idea, quite different from a lot of what I’m seeing in this contest. The writing is very strong and I really need to read this to find out more!

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