Thursday 23 May 2024

A New Era for SciFi – the indie scene!

There is a whole new world of excellent SciFi out there – just under the radar. And I would like to draw your attention to it. For this is the indie (self published) Sci Fi scene – and some of the books I’ve read recently are very VERY good!

Unfortunately being self published these books tend not to gain the attention they deserve, and they’ve not been easy to find. Some I encountered through the SPSFC3 contest for self published SciFi, others I found through engaging with other authors.

I’ve always been an avid SciFi fan, ever since I was a child and skipped straight from children’s books into the SciFi world. I’ve read voraciously over the years but recently it’s been getting harder and harder for me to find the sorts of SciFi that I love to read. Mainstream publishing is trying to appeal to new audiences, but in the process the traditional readership is being left behind.

Now that isn’t to say that there’s no good SciFi being published by mainstream publishers. There most certainly is. But the big shift at the moment is towards fantasy and more specifically Romantasy, which isn’t for me. But then I discovered the indie scene and realised that this is where all those Hard SF and military and gritty space operas have gone.

So here I am, rediscovering my love for SciFi. And now I want to shout about some of the wonderful books and authors I have discovered. This is a selection of the best I’ve read so far. If you click on the link it will take you to my review for that book. And if you have any you’d like to recommend to me please leave a comment and I will check them out.

Arkhangelsk by Elizabeth Bonesteel

Embargo on Hope by Justin Doyle

Kenai by Dave Dobson

The Day the Earth Turned: Book 1. Summer by Chantelle Atkins

The Prism Effect by J Wint

Ironheart by Allan Boroughs

The Girl from a thousand Fathoms by David Gullen

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