Monday, 10 February 2025

Let’s Get Villainous


Earlier this month I attended the launch event for the Bournemouth Writing Festival which will be taking place in April in the town. I was there because I will be taking part this year, delivering a writing workshop on the Saturday.

My workshop is called ‘Let’s Get Villainous’ and is a character workshop with a difference. The goal is that at the end each participant will take away with them a thoroughly despicable and villainous character, or maybe an anti-hero, to do with whatever they wish.

We will be using a combination of lucky dip prompts and role play activities to create our characters and then really get into their heads and get to know them. It will be quite interactive and hopefully a lot of fun for all concerned.

Tickets are available here: Why not come along and join us.

The launch event itself was well attended and buzzing with energy. It was great to finally get to network with other local writers and I’m really looking forward to this year’s festival.

I hope to see you there.