My short story, The Forgotten City, has just been published in Issue 32 of Neo-Opsis Magazine. You can purchase a copy here: Neo-Opsis Issue 32.
Friday, 30 July 2021
Thursday, 22 July 2021
A Foray into Kindle Publishing
I’ve been a bit quiet recently because we’ve been busy working on Flashes of Darkness 1 – the collection of Flash fiction that a group of friends who met on the SFFWorld forums have been pulling together, mainly selected from the forum’s monthly flash fiction challenges.
We’ve had some excellent help. One forum member kindly agreed to act as our editor and did the really thorough and professional job. Another designed the cover for us and then generated the epub file. So it really has turned into a collaborative effort.
I’ve now taken on the role of actually publishing it to Amazon. I’ve never done this before but I’ve been searching the internet and I think I now have a pretty good idea of what I need to do.
Another one of our group is putting together a marketing plan. So hopefully I will soon have a publication date to share with you all, and I’ll let you know how the uploading to amazon part goes.
This is going to be fun!