
Monday, 6 September 2010

Follow-Fest 100!

I don’t believe it – my little blog has hit the milestone of 100 followers! (105 as I post this)

In order to celebrate this I thought I’d run a Follow-Fest - I’m going to point you in the direction of some blogs that I follow which I really enjoy but have yet to reach the magic three figures.

But first a huge cheer for my 100th follower I'm not entirely sure which one it was but it was either Roxy or Catdownunder. Thank you and welcome.

And now to the blogs. Do visit them and take a look, and if you like what you see why not follow them too. Maybe we can get one of them up to a century!

That Elusive Line: This is a really interesting blog that I regularly visit.

Sarwatchadda: I found this one recently and find it intriguing. These books are next on my wish list.

Moonlight And Roses: A fairly new blog but again, packed full of interesting stuff.

The Portland Sea Dragon: A new blog for a new author who has just had her first book published. Pop over and give her a warm welcome to the world of blogging.

The House of Burning Bras: I just love this blog – the anecdotes on here are simply hilarious! Go read and enjoy.

Ebony McKenna, a published writer from the Antipodes

Cate Gardner - fellow Sci Fi writer who has also been published by Hadley Rille Books

Tales from the Computer Bank: Another fellow Sci Fi writer


  1. Hey, many congrats Kate. I think we crossed the 100 threshold at about the same time! I'm sure you'll hit 200 real soon now ...

  2. Hi Kate - came over from the bbq! Glad to meet another seaside writing woman!
    I've followed and now I'll do some hunting around on your site...
    Jan Morrison

  3. Congratulations on 100 Kate, and thanks for the blog links - I'm always on the lookout for some interesting new places to visit.

  4. Congratulations!!! Weeee

    This is the best way of celebrating 100 that I have seen so far!

  5. Well done at hitting 100 - wasn't the BBQ awesome for boosting numbers :)

  6. Hi Conrats on your followers and thanks for the links - I came over from Karens blog, look forward to reading your follow fest suggestions!

  7. Congratulations! And wow, thanks, Kate! this is a really nice way to celebrate being popular.

  8. I don't think I know any of these blogs! The horror!! Thanks for the links.

  9. Congratulations, Kate. I passed the 100 mark this weekend too.

  10. Congrats on reaching such a great milestone, Kate. I've dropped over from Karen's BBQ and am about to have a peek around your blog.

  11. Congrats on breezing past 100 followers!! Thanks for checking out my blog during KarenG's BBQ - nice to find another author of weird fiction!! Checked out DISCORD - nice work!

  12. That was a nice way to celebrate - and congratulations!

  13. I'm a little behind on following everyone since I had my three year old grandson for an entire week. That zapped me. But I will check your blog suggestions and some of the people who commented too.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  14. Congratulations! As a new follower do I get any choccies ;-) Joking, of course, I'm perfectly satisfied with the delectable treats you serve up right here on the blog. Ambreen

  15. Congratulations. I am a long way off 100 - I just get continually surprised by the nice people who read my blog and leave comments - makes me all the more determined to do the same for other people.

  16. WOO HOO! Congrats on the 100 followers mark!

    And thank you for mentioning my blog! :)

  17. Well done for reaching 100 followers! I've still got a way to go, so can very much appreciate the milestone. Congrats!

  18. Congrats on gathering 100 followers and thanks for the plug.

  19. Congrats on 100 followers. That's a great milestone. I'll be sure to check out your recommendations!

  20. Thank you all for your kind words, and I'm glad so many of you visited the blogs I suggested. I see their follower counts are rising.

    I'll be getting around to visiting all your blogs as soon as I can, and following you back.

  21. Congratulations, Kate! I'm working hard toward 100 myself, lol. I'll have to do something similar when I finally get there. It's always a pleasure to see you stop by.


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