
Friday, 3 September 2010

Discord Published

First of all a special hello to anyone popping across from Karen G's blog party.

Today's the day that my 13th short story is published. This little piece of horror is in Issue 2 of Dark Valentine, so pop across and download...and next time you sit down at a piano...

Oh and do check out the fabulous illustrations that go with my story!

There are other things I'd really love to blog about only I can't say anything yet, but if you pop back over the next couple of weeks I'll have some news for you.


  1. Hi, I'm just popping in from Donna Hosie's party!

    I'm impressed at thirteen short stories published. I have yet to manage one! I'll pop over and have a look at it now.

  2. Congrats on your latest story. Can't wait for the big news.

  3. Found you at KarenG's. Looks like a great blog! I'll be back!

  4. Congratulations on getting another story published! You are doing so well. Are you working on a novel?

  5. Thanks everyone, and great to meet lovely new followers. And Karen, the answer is yes but that'll be the subject of another post another day :-)

  6. I'm here from KarenG's BBQ. How wonderful that you've published so many stories. I'll take a look at your latest right now, and sign up to follow. Do stop by and follow me too.

  7. Congratulations! I'll be hoping over to download the story next. I can hardly wait to read it! I came from KarenG's party and am a new follower!

  8. I found you at KarenG's too. It's fun to connect with other writers via the bloggerhood, isn't it?
    I'm looking forward to checking out your blog.
    Have a good day. :)

  9. Congratulations on the story! And I'm looking forward to hearing your news.

  10. Congrats on your short story! I'm popping over from the BBQ! Following!

  11. I'm here from Karen's blog party! Congratulations on the published stories. That's amazing!

  12. Hey Kate - thanks for visiting my blog courtesy of meeting at Karen's blog BBQ - lovely to meet another writer especially a native brit :P

  13. Kate, stopping by from Karen's. Congrats on the publication of your story!

  14. Congratulations! And heres to the next thirteen and beyond!

    Julie xx

  15. Wow, congrats on your story. I think I'm already following you so I wont do so again. But, I'm very happy for you.

    Clarissa Draper from Listen To The Voices

  16. Congratulations on getting the short published.

  17. Hi from the blog barbecue! Congrats on your 13th published story! That's awesome.

  18. Hello, hello from the blog BBQ. What a fantastic idea Karen had. I'm finding lots of new people and wondering where you all were awhile ago? I will just have to be a little more perceptive, I think. Pleased to meet you!

  19. Miaou! Yes, I did wash my paws first! Well done on the latest fur is bristling with anticipation of more!

  20. i found you via Karen's BBQ.

    congrats on your sthort story! so exciting!

    can't wait to hear your news.... :)

  21. coming from KarenG's...

    congrats on the story can't wait for your good news!

  22. Popping over from Karen's BBQ! Congrats on your short story. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  23. Hi Kate,
    Congratulations on your 13th story! I know the feeling. I write short stories too. I hopped over from KarenG's blog party. I'm now your lucky 92 follower. I invite you to visit my community, you might like it ;)
    Cheers from the other side of the pond.

  24. Stopping by from KarenG BBQ blogfest. Congrats on getting the story published. Woot!!! Nice to meet you! :D

  25. Hiya :) Popping in from Karens BBQ, nice to meet you!

  26. Hello Kate! Gosh - super congratulations on the publication of your 13th short story! And a horror too, how apt! :)

    Oh - am here via Karen's lovely BBQ - couldn't resist line caught sea bass!

  27. Congrats on the placement of your work! I hope you are reaching behind yourself and patting yourself on the back!

    I'm here from Karen's BBQ :-)

  28. Wow - what a party - lovely to meet you all. And I'll be visiting all your blogs over the next couple of days!

    I can't believe I've now got 95 followers!

    Who is going to be lucky 100?

  29. Hi Kate! I've found you by way of Karen's blog hop. Hello!!

    Huge congrats on your latest story publishing -- and in fact on all your short fiction success. Wow! I have just one short published, with several more submitted. Fingers crossed!

    I look forward to reading your work :D

  30. 13 publishing credits? Well done. Dark Valentine looks like an interesting market; I've officially added them to my submissions list, and I'll be reading your story next.

  31. Would "Discord" be classified as urban fantasy? I thought it was a fascinating, multi-layered piece; and the art complemented the story well.

  32. I've dropped by from Karen G's too.
    Unfortunately the link to your story wasn't working when I tried.
    I'll have another go later.

  33. Kate,

    Many congratulations - that's fantastic news. Hmm, your 13th piece published on a Friday too ...

    I'll be off to read the story now. And I'm intrigued by your upcoming news!

  34. Yay I'm a new follower from over at Karen's blog!!! I know I'm a little late for the BBQ but I got tied up! I'm making up for it today obviously by hopping around town!!! Consider yourself up one more follower because your blog rocks!!

    Wow you are very talented to have 13 published stories... I'm definitely going to have to check these out!

    My word verification was - seaser (if that isn't an abbreviation to seaserpent I don't know what is!)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.


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