
Thursday, 7 January 2016

Pen Names

I sometimes wish I’d been published under a pen name.

It’s not that I dislike my name – in fact I think it’s a good name. It points clearly to my Celtic roots and I’m proud of my heritage. No, the problem is that I share my name with rather too many other people.

When I first started sending stuff out I briefly thought about my name, but at that time the only other Kate Kelly that came up in my google searches was the infamous Kate of the Kelly Gang, sister to Ned the Australian outlaw. I thought she made a rather cool namesake, and so I kept my name.

But over the years, since those first short stories came out in print, a number of other Kate Kellys have appeared on the scene. There’s one who writes non fiction. She isn’t an issue since she clearly isn’t me. But then, when Red Rock went up on Amazon I looked at the ‘People who viewed this also viewed’ section and was horrified to see a whole load of rather steamy covers showing up – not the most appropriate thing to be appearing on the page of a children’s book!

And then there’s the Mormon activist! Now if you search on my name and Red Rock most of the hits will be her!

Even the Guardian muddled us up – linking to her biography from a piece I wrote for them recently! These days I seem to spend most of the time trying to tell people they’ve got the wrong Kate Kelly!

There are many reasons authors chose to publish under a pen name. Maybe it is because they are writing in more than one genre and want to keep their readerships separate, or maybe it is because they don’t want anyone they know to find out what they are writing – say they are a teacher or a Judge writing raunchy romance!

In my case I think I’ll use a pen name in future simply to avoid confusion!


  1. Yeah, I went through and found that there were twelve other people with my EXACT name. odd considering that my name isn't that common. Unfortunately a couple of them were actually pretty vocal, so I went with a pen name. Then I found a woman with that name who had a dog walking business, so I changed it just a touch more (taking away a letter). I always feel silly signing the pen name, but at this point, it's important to have an identifiable--the, that's me factor. Also, you could add an initial to your current name for publishing and start to avoid some of the confusion without changing your whole name.

    1. That's a very good idea, Rena. I might try that :-)

  2. I'm sooo glad I have such an uncommon spelling! I actually use my fiance's name even though we're not married yet. I am NOT dealing with the hassle of changing from my maiden name, lol!

    1. That is an unusual spelling. I like it :-)

  3. Yep. As I've probably told you before, if you Google my real name, the first hit is the Wikipedia disambiguation page, and none of them is me. Statistically, there should be about 1,250 of us, so the chance of any reader actually finding the correct one would be very low...

    1. I dread to think how many Kate Kelly's there are :-)

  4. I have a Kate Kelly character...I hope it's not down to me that all the steamy books are coming your way. If so, I apologise :(

    1. LOL! No, it's not you! But I hasten to add that I'm not that Kate Kelly either :-)

  5. This sent me straight to the net searching my (writing) name and pleased to say I found myself coming up before any others.My forename is Jonathan and I found many Jonathan Tolsons, mostly in the States and many academics and Linkedin served up eight of them. Chip, which I use for writing and day-to-day, is a childhood nickname, glad I kept hold of it.
    Yes, Kate, adding an initial should do you well, or even a number - Chip 5 Tolson, maybe not!

    1. Yours is a good name, Chip. Very distinctive :-)


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