
Thursday, 11 October 2012


As you can no doubt imagine, the past few days have been a whirlwind of excitement. I'm still trying to get my head round the idea that my book is actually going to be published! I've been allocated an editor and I'll be going up to Oxford to meet her sometime in November, which I'm very excited about.

But there has been another interesting development too.

I've been contacted by a group of authors and illustrators and invited to take part in the Seamagic Project. This will be a collaborative blog based on a shared love of the sea and the magic it evokes in writers and artists.

Seamagic is the brainchild of author KM Lockwood and you can find out more about it here.

Readers of this blog will already be aware of my passion for all things marine. But in case you are wondering how this relates to Red Rock, the blurb has just gone up over at the Greenhouse Website, so why not take a look and judge for yourself.

I'll keep you up to date with Seamagic and how it evolves. And of course with Red Rock and its journey to publication.


  1. I'm thrilled to bits for you, Kate! So chuffed! Just read your blurb and I want to read it now!!! :)

    Seamagic sounds interesting too.

  2. Sounds like a great idea. I've bookmarked the site and look forward to reading your contributions!

    1. Thanks Sara - it's being launched later today and I'm probably going to talk about sea ice to start with :-)

  3. That sounds, well, magic! There's no holding you back...

  4. Wow, Kate, it's all happening for you!
    Very best wishes with everything.


Please share you thoughts, I'd love to hear from you....