
Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Bunting and Sailing Boats

The games are in full swing and the country is caught up in Olympic fever. Down here on the coast the atmosphere is electric.


The boats in the harbour are decked out with bunting and out in the bay the racers skim over the swell, their sails sporting their nation’s colours.


There are bands playing on the harbourside, and on the beach two large screens make sure we don’t miss out on any of the action.

I’m impressed with how well organised everything is, and how much there is to see and do.

Even the weather is hinting at summer! (Just hinting mind – this is Britain, after all)


  1. You're so right about how well organised it all is. We went down to the Opening Ceremony on Friday night, and despite huge crowds, it all went smoothly - and what a great atmosphere!
    This is a real boost for us in the South, and my kids get so excited when they see the local news and they shout out, "Look! It's Weymouth!"
    We're very lucky, the Heritage Coast is so beautiful.

  2. We were living in Cowes, Isle of Wight when Weymouth was announced, so a little jealous, but truly, Cowes could never have done as well as Weymouth has. Lovely, and great sailing weather (mostly!)

  3. Hi Trudy - yes the opening ceremony was superb! And on Saturday they had the Battle of the Winds followed by masses of people wading into the sea with lighted torches - stunning!

    Rebecca - you're right - Weymouth has done a fabulous job. We had another great day today down on the beach watching team GB win gold in the cycling! The atmosphere was electric :-)

  4. That's so cool! I'm not exactly the sporty type, but we've been watching quite a lot of the Olympics this time. Wish we were closer to something we could see in person.

  5. Wow those boats are beautiful! So exciting. Love the blog.

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