
Sunday, 1 April 2012

The Rise of the e-book

A couple of years ago when we looked for something on Amazon we would probably have a choice of hardback, paperback or audiobook. But now, with the rise of the e-reader we can buy our books as e-books too.

The more formats our books are available in then the more accessible they become and the broader the readership they can reach. There is more choice for readers as authors and publishers are making their backslists available as e-books – books which have otherwise gone out of print! And for authors in some genres – most notably romance – the advent of the e-book has opened up a wealth of new small publishers – and with them, new opportunities.

And look here. Two of the anthologies from Hadley Rille Books that I have had short stories published in are now available as e-books – Ruins Terra and Ruins Metropolis. For less than £1 you can’t go wrong!


  1. Welcome to the world of e-books, Kate! And congratulations! I bought my Kindle at Christmas 2009 and since then have used it non-stop. I still read p-books too. In fact I just bought two from Amazon. The two things can live perfectly well side by side.

  2. Completely agree Susan! The two aren't in opposition.

    I love my Kindle and I read more because it comes everywhere with me. It's saving valuable space in my house too. If I didn't have it we might have books instead of carpet by now :D

  3. I've recently discovered the world of eBooks and I must admit that I'm captivated. I love that I can download so many great titles from All you can books and have them on my online library.
    The e-reader is my all time favorite, especially that reading is my passion.

  4. Hi Susan and Ruth - I'm in full agreement - the two can definately co-exist - I don't buy into the sentiment that print is dead at all.

    Diana - I'm glad you're enjoying your e-book reader.

    And just to add - these are not new publications - they came out in 2008 and 2007 respectively but were then only available as paperback. This is an example of a publisher moving their backlist onto kindle.

  5. I agree with the other commenters. I only recently started reading e-books - which I've done variously on Kobo, iPad and pc - whilst continuing to read p-books (thanks for that expression, Susan) and I'm reading more not less. I got Kobo rather than Kindle cos it meant I could download e-books from my local library. :-)

  6. Whatever format you get them in, I'd commend both of these to you all. My only "vested interest" is (big revelation or not) is as a friend of Kate's/

  7. Well done on the short stories. I still haven't yet ventured into e-readers, but think a Kindle or equivalent is going to be top of my birthday wish list for the summer. Sounds like you can pick up some real bargains for e-books and means you take a whole room full of books on holiday or on any journey.


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