
Friday, 9 March 2012

Writers Block

"What do you want to look at that screen for, when you can look at me!"

So what get's in the way of your writing?


  1. At the moment, someone small who thinks Charlie and Lola stories are a lot more interesting than the book with no pictures that mommy is trying to write. Give me patience!

  2. Blog hopping, Facebook...eating oranges. Lots of things. I was slow to be born and been procrastinating ever since.

  3. Right now my blog tour, but fortunately it's the last day!

  4. The smallest dog, who climbs onto my lap when I'm working on my netbook. And she makes me feel very guilty when I plonk her back on her cushion.

  5. Hi Kate,
    Now then, that cat looks very much like one of Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star's, adoring fans.
    There is no such thing as writer's block. Because anybody who says they have it can write about the fact they supposedly think they have such an ailment and the more they write about having such a condition and realise they are also doing a run on sentence, they soon realise the topic of writer's block proves that there is no such thing as writer's block...or something like that...
    Have a lovely weekend, Kate.
    I'm outta' here :)

  6. Aha - pets and children seem to be a bit of a recurring theme - and goos old fashioned procrastination of course ;-)

  7. Grocers' apostrophies! ;)

  8. The irritating but persistent need to pay the bills.

  9. You've been tagged to join the Great Star Wars Blogathon! Details here:

  10. What Mike and Simon said ... :)

  11. Ha - well one thing we're clearly all excellent at is procrastination!


Please share you thoughts, I'd love to hear from you....