
Thursday, 26 January 2012

The Lightning Bolt

I knew in my heart that something wasn’t right. My inner editor was whispering to me. Only I had no idea what the problem was.

So I set off over the cliffs to mull things over.

There’s nothing like a blast of salt spray air on your face, the running tide and the blustering wind to make everything clear.

And as I watched the whitecaps rush in and crash against the rocks it hit me.


Not my main character’s motivation. His motives have always been quite clear, but that of one of my minor characters.

And as I worked out what was driving her, the whole thing fell into place – suddenly the plot had a structure that until now it lacked.

My inner editor can sit back (for now). But my work has just begun - this WIP needs some serious editing.


  1. Nothing like that click when it comes! I often find going for a walk helps the brain into the next gear. Well done, you!

  2. Good for you! Don't think I've ever had a click. It's more of a long, drawn out creak : D

  3. I love it when things click like that. Keep writing!

  4. Nothing like nature to force those neurons to firing in your brain.

  5. Ah, to get out there and experience the wonders of nature. To embrace the inspiration that will be reflected in the passion you have for writing.
    Have a lovely day.
    In kindness, Gary :)

  6. Hi all, good of you to stop by - interesting how we all know this feeling isn't it :-)

  7. Hooray for the genius ideas! I wish I had a cliff to help me mull things over. :)

  8. I've been there - that dragging sensation that slows you down and slows you down - until you realise that your inner editor is shrieking in your ear that something seriously needs fixing. Then you clear the jam and everything flows. Glad it's working for you

  9. It's good when things move forward and doing something else can be a great way of this happening. Liked the photo.

  10. Oh, I’d love to live so close to the inspiring sea. Unfortunately I’m about as far inland as it’s possible to be in England.

    Good luck with your editing.

    PS, sorry about the spam Twitter message(s) again. Hopefully all sorted out now

  11. Cheers Paul, it's Pulpit Rock :-)

    Sorry to hear you don't have a cliff nearby, Lydia ;-)But I bet you have some equally lovely places for your muse to strike.

    Thanks for stopping by, Sue :-)

  12. Hi Kate,
    And just when you didn't think life could get any better, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star has bestowed you with an award.
    Penny, who is having a nap, has informed me that you do not need to acknowledge the award and may do with it as you wish.
    In peace and positive wishes, your way, Gary and yes indeed, Penny :)

  13. Thank you so much, gary and Penny. That's a lovely award :-)

  14. Beautiful picture and I can see why that place helps clear your mind! Visiting from the bloffee over at CQG and enjoying breakfast with the gang. Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. Walks along the best countryside, beaches etc have a great way of blowing away the cobwebs and providing clarity/peace of mind. Good for you!

  16. Kate, your source for inspiration is the setting for my novel. Cliffs, the sea, the salt spray, and the tide...all perfect for clearing the creative mind. Glad you found the clarity you needed for your revisions.

    I'm also on the platform-building campaign and I've tagged you with some get-to-know-you questions that are going around the Campaign. You can find the questions at

  17. Thank you Celesta - I'll go and check out your questions :-)

  18. I loved this. I'm stopping by from the Platform Campaign. Cheers.


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