
Thursday, 15 September 2011

Watching Me?

I walk over the cliffs and drop down to my secret beach to eat my sandwiches.

But as I sit there I get the feeling that I'm being watched.

I look around.

The beach is deserted.

But then I spot him.

There are a number of sea stacks just off the headland. But one of them isn't a sea stack at all - it's a Tyrannosaurus Rex. And he's watching me!

It looks like he's eating a burger. I hope, once he's finished, he doesn't decide to eat me!


  1. No, Sweep without Sooty and without ears

  2. Kate, that's the decoy Rex has set up. He's actually right behind you!

  3. glad you found who was watching you otherwise that would have been really creepy and scary. I've had that sense before and it just scares me to death.

  4. Brian's right! It does look like Godzilla!

  5. Nah, he has his paws folded in front of him! You're safe!

  6. Am I the only who sees Barney? You, purple one from our imagination? (lol, this is what happens when you watch too much tv with the kids)

  7. Ummm...I thought it was the Incredible Hulk after some incredibly serious partying.....

  8. Yeah, I can definitely see it. Did you run? Or risk being eating by the giant lizard. :)

  9. Whoever he is, I love him! I'm now following your blog and looking forward to your posts.
    Fellow MG-YA Campaigner

  10. Very cool! I like his face!

    I'm certain you may have received many of these before, but just wanted to stop by and present you with a Versatile Blogger Award. Really enjoy reading your seasidey posts.

  11. Cool. Try looking away for a bit. If he's closer when you look back, definitely run ...

  12. I'm imagining him looming out of a fog. I'd definitely have my concerns about him.

    Stopped in from the Campaign to say hi and join your site.

  13. Hi Kate, you haven't posted again since your encounter with the T-Rex, so I hope you're OK. I'm just popping by to tell you that there are a few awards for you over at my blog.

  14. That's brilliant! Would be very creepy if it was dusk though!

  15. He's looking right at you! Creepy cool. :)

  16. I can see him, try standing still he may only notice you if you move.

  17. This is why I need to spend more time outdoors. Wonderful fodder for the imagination. I've never encountered a t-rex in my office, unless you count my boyfriend complaining about how messy I am :-)

  18. Shhhh....

    Has he gone yet?

    Is it safe to come out?

  19. What a burger. What a T Rex. Glad his tummy is full now.


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