
Thursday, 7 April 2011

The Great Typo Hunt…

I don’t know about you but I am hopeless as spotting typos. I dare say there are a fair few on this blog. Occasionally people are good enough to point them out and then I can correct them, but I’m sure there are plenty that go unspotted!

Sometimes typos can be quite amusing – not to mention completely changing the meaning of what you are trying to say.

A while back, while a group of my characters romped along in their adventure, someone kindly pointed out that the moment I'd turned my back my MC was peeing out of the helicopter. (He was meant to be peering.)

Honestly, if you don’t keep a close eye on them they get up to all sorts of mischief!

So here I am, trawling through my MS and trying to spot all the typos. Sometimes I can read a page ten times and still read what I meant to say instead of seeing what’s really there! Changing the font size and printing it out helps. But I bet I won’t get all of them – no matter how hard I try.

I can assure you though – nobody’s peeing anywhere they shouldn’t be!


  1. Try Neil Fein on my blog, Kate, he'll sort out the typos and lots more if you like, have a look at my post about him, you'll need to scrawl down the page..

  2. Reading out loud often helps to spot the typos because it forces us to slow down and hear what we are reading.

  3. Lol! I like the MC taking a leak in your story out of the helicopter! A knew someone who said in her assignment that she liked friction writing! :O)

  4. Carole and Lynda - thanks for your suggestions.

    Madeleine - 'Friction Writing' LOL Like it!!

  5. just the other day i wrote 'whipping your brow' instead of 'wiping your brow' in one of my posts. That first one sounds painful. lol

  6. :D That typo is precious.

    I'm also terrible at spotting typos in my own works, mostly because I read what I expect to be there, rather than what's actually there.

  7. Yes, reading out aloud is the best way, or let someone else read it. Or, put it away for a few days and re-read.

  8. Yep, strange how you become blind to them. I agree that reding out loud is good as, obviously, is getting someone else to cast an eye.

  9. Hahahaha! That has to be the best typo ever. Too funny.

  10. I go blind hunting for typos. They're tricky blighters.

  11. Sounds like reading it aloud must be worth a try. (she said whipping her brow) ;-)


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