
Thursday, 4 November 2010

Here be Dragons

Some people come here with their binoculars to look at the sea birds, but I come here looking for dragons.

There are caves like these all along this stretch of coast. Not many people know it but there are dragons living in most of them. They’re very shy and hard to spot. But if you are patient and sit quietly as the sun drops below the horizon and the shadows deepen into dusk, you might just see one slip out if its cave and take flight over the sea.

Back down on the shore I wandered into one such cave with my children. It’s okay though. I checked for tracks in the sand by the entrance before we went in. It was definitely uninhabited.

Even so, we didn’t go too far – just in case.


  1. I love this piece, Kate. Very intriguing!

  2. Thanks for this! You really made me smile. I love this picture.

  3. Children need dragons. Childhood without dragons would be icecream cornets without ice cream in them: dry, boring, and terribly crumby:)

  4. LOL Thomas - that's so true!

    Glad you all like dragons too.

  5. Love this post because I've just finished a chapter in which a dragon caused carnage.

    The world is such an inspiring place. Sometimes we just need to stop and watch and think.

  6. Hang on though - there may not have been any footprints, but what if the dragon flew into the cave?

    Lovely little piece.

  7. What a lovely idea :O)

  8. My nine year old wants to see some dragons now. What have I done????
    Great post, we enjoyed it.

  9. GULP! - Simon - I hadn't through of that!

    Andrea, I'm sure there are dragons living somewhere near to you. Have fun with your 9yo tracking them down :-)

  10. Thanks Suzanne, though that stretch of coastline is so beautiful I haven't done it justice :-)

  11. Lovely picture, Kate - great post as ever!

  12. I love this picture! It looks like something out of a movie. I'm so enviuos you have scenery like that so close to home! And what a fun place to search for dragons:).


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