
Thursday, 18 November 2010

In the Footsteps of Vikings

Sometimes a throwaway comment is all it takes. A chance word and from nowhere a new idea springs into life.
This time it happened as we sat round the fire in this Viking Longhouse chatting, while the kids were outside ploughing the fields (I'm not making this up - they were - but as there weren't any oxen they had to pull the iron age plough themselves)

A casual comment from one of the archaeologists and a whole new dimension to my WIP sprang into my head.

I've been trying to work out how to fit it into the story, except I can't. It wouldn't work. The plot doesn't need anything so major.

But then I realised that it would make a fantastic sequel, notching up the tension and the stakes tenfold.

I've never done this before - I normally put everything into the story I'm working on. But this case is different. I'm barely 10K words into DF and already I'm planning a sequel!

And for anyone who is wondering this Viking Longhouse is at the Cranbourne Ancient Technology Centre.


  1. That's cool! Anything with vikings is awesome.

  2. I want to sit round a Viking fire and be inspired too!

  3. The Longhouse looks rather cosy. How wonderful to be able to seize such inspiration from a throwaway comment.

    Hope the children weren't too exhausted by the ploughing.

  4. Too exhausted? No such thing ;-)

  5. Love Vikings! Love the longhouse, and how exciting to have a great idea grab you like that.

  6. I was wondering, so thanks for telling us where this amazing place is. I don't blame you for getting inspired there!

  7. Did you go to the Longhouse as research, or just as one of the family outings? I have been known to drag my family on walks in the woods just so I can soak up the feel of walking through the trees. I usually end up walking at the back completely lost in thought! I have a very long suffering family!
    Congratulations for your forth coming publication! I will look out for it in the January edition of Jupiter SF

  8. woah, that looks like a really cool place! And I love when I feel a sequel coming on!

  9. The Longhouse looks fascinating! Thanks for sharing your inspiration!

  10. That sounds fantastic! My kids would love it. I wish we could go...

  11. In answer to Dominic's question - the local museum runs a kids club that does all sorts of interesting stuff. One time we went to a local hillfort and made sligshots and a Roman ballista and had a battle. This was another one of the outings the club organises.

  12. Sounds like a story I would want to read! Love it when ideas hit like that.

  13. I've been to the Cranbourne Ancient Technology Centre and it is very inspiring. I'm from Hull, in Yorkshire, not 50 miles from York, and my surname (Storrs) is a Viking name. I've often thought about working that heritage into my stories. Though maybe the mere fact that I *tell* stories is my heritage coming out in me.


Please share you thoughts, I'd love to hear from you....