
Sunday, 15 August 2010

About the Agent 1-2-1

In my last post about the Frome Festival Writers and Publishers day, I mentioned that I had attended an Agent 1-2-1. Well I promised to come back and tell you about it, so here I am.

This year the Frome Festival attracted three major London Agents who were offering 1-2-1s, as well as 1-2-1s with a creative writing tutor. Needless to say the Agent slots sold out very fast. This was simply too good an opportunity to miss – the chance to meet an agent face to face and get feedback on the viability and marketability of your work. I’ve also noticed that other, larger, writing conferences offer similar 1-2-1s, with many more agents to choose from. But as far as I was concerned the line-up at Frome was as good as any of them.

Agent 1-2-1s, when you’ve never experienced one, are a scary prospect. I was determined to get the most from my slot and so I researched what had happened at other conferences, reading blogs and feedback, and what I saw filled me with dread – Agents who hadn’t bothered to read the work the authors had sent in, or were rude and negative, and other such horror stories.

But I needn’t have worried. The Agents at Frome were nothing but professional. The one I saw put me at ease the moment I met her. And where else can you sit and chat about your book to someone who actually wants to listen!

Comparing notes with other writers who also had 1-2-1s at Frome all I can say is that all the Agents there were excellent. They gave astute and constructive feedback and all the authors came away invigorated and enthused – keen to go back and work on their manuscripts, some of us even with invitations to submit further down the line or send a full. A few years ago author Rachel Ward had her novel, the now bestselling ‘Numbers’ picked up at one of these Frome Festival 1-2-1s. Maybe one of the authors I spoke to will follow in her footsteps this year.

I read on the Frome Festival website that the agents were impressed by the quality of the work they had seen. All I can say is that the writers were impressed by the quality of the agents.


  1. Glad it wasn't a horrible experience for you!

  2. Hi, I've just become a follower of your blog. I noticed your a marine scientist. I know this isn't writing related but my son wants to do that when he grows up. What sort of education path did you take and what jobs are out there for marine scientist?


  3. I've had some great experiences with editors and agents at conferences and some terrible ones too. The last time I pitched my epic fantasy the lady said repeatedly, "So, why aren't you published yet?" I expect she was finding an excuse to refuse me so I finished and left.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  4. Hey, I'm back. I enjoy reading your blog. So I have a blog award waiting for you on my site. Come and get it.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author


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