
Monday, 2 November 2009

Stormy Seas

Yesterday was a day of wild westerlies. We took the coast path round Portland Bill and watched the swell roll in and crash onto the rocks. Salt spray was in my hair and on my lips. I love it when it’s wild and windy like this.

Today the copies of our Writers Group anthology – The Hangman Inn arrived. This was a lot quicker than I expected and I think the group are going to be pleased. I took the proof along to show them on Thursday. Quite few people are going to be giving them as Christmas presents.

I’m not sure I’m going to take on editing something like this again in a hurry though. It was hard work – especially when people sent me files in weird formats or didn’t wrap their text!! I’ve got an awful lot more respect for the editors of all those short story anthologies and magazines out there as a result of this little exercise.

And as for the rewrite? It’s chugging along. Life seems to be getting in the way a bit though – what with Halloween just gone and Guy Fawkes night to come – not to mention Christmas looming on the horizon!
I must keep on reminding myself – make time to write!


  1. We got a weather thumping too which (as I'd hoped) brought down some of the cliffs. Of we went for a rummage. Lots of fossils. Of course, it was the one time I forgot my fossil hammer. There is a small matter of Yorkshire plesiosaur price at stake - can't have the South West getting teh bragging rights for a 16 metre specimen.

  2. ...plesiosaur pride...

  3. Sure it's not pleisiosaur envy?


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