
Monday, 21 September 2009


It is the equinox and summer is turning to autumn, berries in the hedgerows and falling leaves.

It’s a beautiful September this year, clear skies and sunshine. But the seasons are turning.
All summer this sandy bank was a bustle of sand martins, dashing back and forth, raising their young. The skies were filled with their cries, and their dropping splattered over any cars that foolishly parked too close.

But last week they left. Their nest holes lie empty. The skies are silent. Autumn is here.

Time for me to turn away from the fields and woods and get on with some writing…


  1. 'get onb with some writing' is a phrase rattling around my head too. Thanks for reminding me it's the equinox.

  2. Hey Kate!

    I already follow you but thought i would drop in via an unorthodox route)Nicola's blogoffee morning) and leave you a quick note!

    Hope you are having a great day and looking forward to a great weekend!

    Catrin x

  3. Hello from Australia,
    I came over here from Nicola's blog - great site!
    Thanks for an interesting read.

  4. Hi Kate,

    I love the pictures of the empty sand martin nest - really melancholy. It sounds like your signing in Dorchester went really well - I was in the Waterstones yesterday buying books about the Navy for Fred.

    How is your writing going?

  5. Hello!

    I came over from Nicola's blog! Cool site

    Kate x

  6. Prowling in via Blogoffee. Oh...a marine scientist? Fishy! Cats like fish.

  7. Hello everyone - great to see so many people popping in from the blogoffee morning. I'm having a fascinating time visting all your blogs too. :-)

  8. Stalker from the Bloggoffee, arriving little late.

    I'd just like to grin evilly and say my side of the world is diving into summer! Mmmm... sun :P


Please share you thoughts, I'd love to hear from you....