
Friday, 24 July 2009

Footprints Story Published

It's out - the Footprints anthology from Hadley Rille Books which contains my short story 'The Last Traces' This looks like it is going to be a fantastic anthology - I'm eagerly waiting for my copy to arrive - can't wait. This is my 9th published story and my third in a Hadley Rille Books anthology.

You can buy it here from and, and if you are likely to be in the Dorchester vicinity next month we're trying to get a signing set up - watch this space!!!

In the meantime - I hope you enjoy the stories!


  1. Hey Kate, sorry, I meant to drop by ages ago and forgot - fantastic news re the anthology (cover looks great...) and hope the signing goes well for you.

    Hope you're enjoying summer hols in Cornwall. But not too much. Me? Jealous? Whatever gives you that idea...


  2. Thanks John - all we need now is a little less rain and a bit more sunshine. :-)


Please share you thoughts, I'd love to hear from you....