
Saturday, 25 April 2009

April Bluebells

A beautiful sunny spring day and my local woods are a sea of bluebells. There's nothing like strolling between the trees or over the hills to help the final pieces of the Myth Making rewrite I am about to embark on, to fall into place.

A few weeks ago I had some superb feedback from an Agent who highlighted a number of things, including several plot holes, and I've been mulling them over ever since, working out what I need to change and how. His critique was very astute - a bit of a 'why didn't I do that right first time' moment. It all seems so obvious now!

The thinking is over. Let the edit begin!


  1. Good luck with the rewrites. Hope you manage to cover all the holes!

  2. Beautiful photography. It looks so peaceful.

  3. It's lovely there, but I'm afraid my picture doesn't do it justice.


Please share you thoughts, I'd love to hear from you....