
Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Another Review - Ruins Metropolis

Fellow Ruins Metropolis author Ahmed A khan has just posted this review over on his LJ. I see we agree on several of our favorites.

Glad you enjoyed my story Ahmed.


  1. For my money Kate Kelly's "In the Precinct of Amun-Re" is one of the best stories in Ruins Metropolis because the initial descriptive passage introduces the protagonist, and makes me feel as hot as Cairo in the hor season really is. Also, it's got a genuinely unexpected twist at the end, which is more than most of the authors can claim.

    The other one that really stood out was "Mrs Kelly's Ghosts" by Anna D Allen which has some brilliant research behind it, showing the atiitudes, methods etc behind a Victorian or Edwardian period archaeological dig. I have sufficient knowledge of archaeology, and the history of its developments to know what I'm talking about here.

  2. Thanks Ken, those are kind words.


Please share you thoughts, I'd love to hear from you....