
Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Flashes of Darkness 1 – Coming Soon

For a while now I’ve been hanging out on the SFF fan site, where I’ve been rubbing shoulders with fellow SFF fans and writers.

It’s a nice site and a friendly bunch of people. It posts regular reviews through which I’ve found some excellent new books to read, as well as hosting general discussion about the genre.

One of the good things about this site is that there is a lively community of writers who run a number of monthly writing challenges, for flash, micro and short story length pieces. We take it in turns to set the prompts and then vote for our favourites as well as giving feedback to those who want it. It’s a good way to flex those writing muscles.

A few months back one of our number came up with the idea of putting together an anthology of some of our flash pieces. Five of us have come together and the anthology is now in its final stages of preparation.

Flashes of Darkness 1 will contain 15 original pieces of dark flash fiction and will be free. I’ll let you know when it’s available.